
Rock Cleaning Angels 洗石天使

Hong Kong, despite being so small, has beautiful natural landscapes. This unique system, with its countless routes, lies very close to the city: one is never far away from natural settings and beguiling trails. However, some rocks are defaced with graffiti. Participants will help clean the graffiti on the rocks in Cheung Chau. Through this experience, we aim to promote the importance of environmental protection and encourage students to gain a deeper understanding of the detrimental effects of human actions on environmental degradation, as well as to appreciate the beauty and culture of Hong Kong. 行山可以強身健體及欣賞自然地貌,成為港人的周末熱門活動,但香港郊野公園的岩石上卻滿佈塗鴉,往往大煞風景。有見及此,科大侍學行與香港地貌岩石保育協會合辦「洗石天使」活動,招募同學一起攀登長洲小長城,攜手洗擦石上的塗鴉,身體力行保育環境, 欣賞香港的風土人情。 Date: 24 Jan 2025 (Fri) Time: 8:15am - 12:45pm Venue: Cheung Chau Gathering Time & Venue: 8:15am @Central
你需要出席共 時段
1. Successful applicants will receive a confirmation email from connect@ust.hk, and will be able to find their application status listed as "Confirmed" on the Social Career portal/app. 2. [Transportation arrangement] Transportation cost from Central to Cheung Chau will be subsidized. Students will need to manage the return trip by themselves. 3. [Penalty for withdrawal after 20 Jan and/or absence] The event is fully subsidized by HKUST Connect. If you are unable to participate in the event as schedule, you should send us a written notification to connect@ust.hk as soon as possible, but no later than 20 Jan 2024 (Mon). Students who withdrawn after the deadline or absent from the event will be charged a HKD100 program fee. 4. [HMAW1905] This is a recognized event in the "Self-directed Experience" component of HMAW1905: Behavioral Foundations of University Education: Habits, Mindsets, and Wellness. To receive 3 hours, you must attend the event in full and miss no more than 10 mins. 5. Enquiry: saanitachu@ust.hk

大學 | 創立於2009年
報名截止日期 2025年1月19日

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